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Results for Tullow Agricultural Show 2024
An Animal or insect made from vegetables
Garden & Farm Produce ➤ Fruit/Vegetable ➤ Youth - 17years and under
Results for
1: Six Duck Eggs
2: Six Hen Eggs
10: White Soda Bread
11: Brown Soda Bread
12: Six Plain Scones
13: Six Fruit Scones
14: Sourdough Loaf
20: Raspberry Jam
21: Blackcurrant Jam
22: Strawberry Jam
23: Gooseberry Jam
24: Rhubarb and Ginger Jam
25: Apple Jelly
26: Marmalade
27: Run Honey
28: Jar of Chutney
29: Jar of Mayonnaise
40: Plum Pudding
41: Cold Sweet
42: Pavlova
43: Cheesecake
44: Best Overall Dessert
50: 4 different items of a tray bake
51: Apple Tart
52: Rhubarb Tart
53: Birthday Cake
54: Lemon Drizzle Cake
55: Chocolate Cake
56: Carrot Cake
57: Coffee Cake - Decorated
58: Boiled Fruit Cake
59: Light Fruit Cake
60: The Hickson Supervalu Cherry Cake Challenge
61: Swiss Roll - Jam only
62: Harvest Fruit Loaf
63: Tea Brack
64: 3 Millionaire Shortbread Squares
65: Sponge Sandwhich
66: Victoria Sandwich
67: 3 Cinnamon Rolls
68: 4 Chocolate Biscuit Cake Squares
69: 6 Homemade Biscuits
70: 6 Almond Slices
71: 6 Muffins
72: 6 Cupcakes
73: 3 Cupcakes
80: Banana Bread - 1lb loaf tin
82: 6 Cup Cakes - undecorated
84: Best 3 Brownies
85: Best 4 Homemade Decorated Biscuits
86: 6 Decorated Cup Cakes
88: Any Cold Dessert - 9 inches or less
89: Best Birthday Cake suitable for a Teenager
90: 6 Flapjacks
91: Best 3 Rocky Road Squares
100: Best 6 Plain Scones
101: Best 6 Cup Cakes - 3 Decorated, 3 Plain
102: Best 6 Fancy Rice Crispie Buns
103: Best 3 Gingerbread Men
104: Best Birthday Cake Suitable for an 11 year old
115: Best dish of 3 dessert apples
116: Best dish of 3 Cooking Apples
117: Best 1 head of celery
118: Best 5 plums on a plate
119: Best 10 Scallions
120: Best dish of 5 tomatoes
121: The largest truss of cherry tomatoes
122: Best 3 onions
123: Best 6 Shallots
124: Best Vegetable Marrow
125: Best 3 Carrots (Stump Rooted)
126: Best 3 Carrots
127: Best 3 Parsnips
128: Best 3 Beetroot (Round)
129: Best Pumpkin
130: Best 6 Pods of French Beans
131: Best 6 Pods of Runner Beans
132: Best 6 Stems of Parsley
133: Best 6 Pods of Peas
134: Best Head of Cabbage
135: Largest Head of Cabbage
136: Best 3 Courgettes
137: Best 3 heads of lettuce - any variety
138: Best Cucumber
139: Display of 6 varieties of home grown vegetables
140: Best 6 round potatoes for table use
141: Best 6 Kidney Potatoes for table use
142: Best 3 Potatoes (3 distinct varieties - named)
143: The Heaviest Potato
150: Best 3 named herbs
152: An Animal or insect made from vegetables
160: Best Sheaf of Wheat
161: Best Sheaf of Feeding Barley
162: Best 4 lbs of feeding barley
163: Best 3 Maize plants for silage
164: Best 3 Fodder Beet
165: Heaviest Single Fodder Beet
166: Best 3 Swede/Turnip, any variety
167: Best old permanent grass sod
168: Best new pasture grass sod - 18inch x 12inch
169: Best sample of grass silage - Exhibitor to be 16yrs or under
170: Best sample of Hay
171: Best Sample of Grass Silage
180: Decorated hard boiled egg
181: Dressed Scarecrow
182: Bunting or flags on a rope
190: Road safety poster competition
191: Farm safety poster competition
192: Cyber safety poster competition
193: Best Handwriting, 40 words approx
194: Best Handwriting, 100 words approx
195: Best Picture, 6 yrs and under.
196: Best Picture, any theme
197: Most Imaginative Picture
198: Best painting
199: Write a short story.
200: Most Imaginative Picture 15 years and under
201: "Sculpting our Environment"
210: Create an A3 size poster encouraging the householder to recycle and reduce waste.
211: Best Landscape Watercolour
212: Best Still Life, any medium
213: Best Oil Painting
214: Best Picture from nature, any medium
215: Best Portrait, any medium
216: Best Seascape, any medium
217: Best Picture, mixed media
218: Best Oil Painting, Landscape
219: Best Painting, in acrylic
230: Animal Study in colour
231: A Day at the Seaside
240: Life on the Move - 6x4 inches, mounted on white card
241: Sporting Action - 6x4 inches, mounted on white card
242: Then and Now - 6x4 inches, mounted on white card
243: Aerial View - 6x4 inches, mounted on white card
244: Animal Study in colour - 6x4 inches, mounted on white card
245: Landscape in Colour - 6x4 inches, mounted on white card
246: Best Sunset - 6x4 inches, mounted on white card
247: Best Overall Photo
255: Best Knitted Item
256: Best Adult Garment in wool knitting
257: Hand Knitting - Best Childs Garment
258: Best Hand Knitted Socks, Gloves or Mittens
259: Best Article in Embroidery
261: Best Article in Florentine Embroidery
262: Crochet, any article in cotton incl Filet crochet (Church Work)
263: Any Item in Wool Crochet
264: Best Article in Cross Stitch, no kit to be used
265: Best item in Needle Felting
266: Best Piece of handmade jewellery, no kit
267: Timeless Elegance. Beaded Jewellery, no kit
268: Best Piece of Jewellery in Resin
270: Best Handmade Greeting Card, any occasion
271: Best Handmade Birthday Card, no kit
272: Best Parchment Greeting Card
273: Best Creative Gift Homemade
274: Best Homemade Souvenir
275: Most Imaginative Handmade Baby Present
276: Best homemade soft toy, no kit
277: Best Pin Cushion
278: Best Cushion, Any Material
279: Best handmade Tea Cosy
280: Hat of the Show. Any homemade hat, any material.
281: Best Item in Woodwork
282: Best Handicraft Work
283: Best Picture, Fire Screen or Wall Hanging, other than a painting
284: Upcycling. Something new from something old
285: Best handmade Christmas Decoration to hang from tree
286: Best Patchwork / Quilting
287: Best Homemade Shopping Bag/Tote
288: Best Item with a Vintage Twist
289: Best Hand Printed or Painted Scarf
291: Best Handmade Bookmark
292: Best Seasonal Item; Halloween, Easter etc
293: Best decorated egg (hard boiled)
300: Best Article in Knitting
301: Best item in Crochet 17 years and under
302: Best item in Needlework 10 years and under
303: Item in Needlework, 13 years and under
304: Item in Needlework, 17 years and under
305: Best Item in Cross Stitch
306: Best Item in Patchwork
307: Best Picture/ Firescreen/ Wall hanging (not a painting)
308: Best Piece of Jewellery in beading - no kit
309: Best piece of Jewellery in Resin
310: Best Handmade Bookmark, 12 years and under
311: Best Handmade Bookmark, 17 years and under
312: Best Decorated Wooden Spoon, 8 years and under
313: Best Decorated Wooden Spoon, 9 years and over
314: Best Decorated Flower Pot
315: Best Gift Wrapped Box.
316: Best Homemade Gift
317: Best Structure in Lego, 4-7 years - No Kit
318: Best Structure in Lego, 8 - 11 years - No Kit
320: Best Handmade Greeting Card for a special Occasion, 12 years and under
319: Best Structure in Lego 12-17 years - No Kit
321: Best Handmade Greeting Card for a special Occasion, 13 years and over
322: Best Papier Mache Creation
323: Best Egg Carton Craft
324: Best Item in Woodwork
326: Best Decorated Jar/Bottle e.g. Something inside, wrapped in paper or twine, painted etc.
330: Best Painting, any medium
331: Any Handicraft Work
332: Best 3 D Diamond Craft
334: Best Mosaic, using any material
335: Best article in needlework
336: Best Paper craft, other than a card
337: Upcycle any Article
338: Best article in crochet or knitting
339: Art Piece made with recycled material
340: Greeting card for any occasion
341: Best Stone Art
350: One Vase of Decorative Dahlias
351: One Vase of Cactus/Semi Cactus Dahlias
352: One Vase of Dahlias, Small Ball Dahlias
353: Floribunda Rose
354: The Rose of the Show
355: Viola/Pansy one vase
356: Annual Sweet Pea, one vase
357: Gladioli
358: Hydrangea
359: Annuals excluding flowers for which separate classes are provided
360: Flowering Hardy Border Perennials and/or Biennials.
361: Flowering Hardy Perennials
362: Pot Plant Foliage not exceeding 60cms
363: Pot plant in Flower
364: Sunflowers
375: Floral Fantasy - Contemporary Exhibit - Space 60cms
376: A Lovely Cuppa - an exhibit in a tea cup - Space 20cms
377: "Pot Luck" an exhibit in a 12cm Flower pot - Space 20cms
378: "Golden Times" An exhibit using yellow flowers - 70 cms
379: "Its Magic" Miniature Exhibit - Space 10cms
380: "With Love" an exhibit in a basket - Space 30cms
390: An Arrangement of garden flowers & foliage in a 454g jar
391: An exhibit of garden flowers & foliage in a recycled container
392: "A Little Gem" a miniature garden on a biscuit tin lid
420: Bantam Hard Feather Male or Female
421: Bantam Heavy Male or Female
422: Bantam Light Male or Female
423: True Bantam Male or Female
425: Large Fowl Heavy Soft Feathered Male or Female
426: Large Fowl Light Soft Feathered Male or Female
427: Waterfowl Duck or Drake
428: Bantam Waterfowl Male or Female
429: Best Purebred Bantam or Large Fowl
430: Best Purebred Duck or Drake
432: Champion Bantam
433: Champion Large Fowl
434: Champion Waterfowl
435: Overall Champion Fowl
440: Wicklow Cheviot Shearling Ram
441: Pair of Wicklow Cheviot Ewes, 2 years or older
442: Pair of Wicklow Cheviot Shearling Ewes
443: Pen of two Wicklow Cheviot Ewe Lambs
444: Wicklow Cheviot Ram 2yrs or older
445: Champion Wicklow Cheviot
455: Charollais Ram Lamb
456: Charollais Ewe Lamb
457: Charollais Ram, any age
458: Charollais Ewe, any age
459: Champion Charollais
470: Jacob Ram Lamb
471: Jacob Ewe Lamb
472: Jacob Ram , any age
473: Jacob Ewe , any age
474: Champion Jacob
495: Texel Shearling Ram and upwards
496: Texel Shearling Ewe and upwards
497: Texel Ewe Lamb
498: Texel Ram Lamb
499: Texel Adult Ram 2 years old and Upwards
500: Texel Adult Ewe 2 Years old and upwards
501: Champion Texel
485: Suffolk Ram Lamb bred by exhibitor
486: Suffolk Ewe Lamb bred by exhibitor
487: Champion Suffolk
520: Best Hampshire Down male, any age
521: Best Hampshire Down female, any age
522: Champion Hampshire Down
530: Zwartble Shearling ewe and upwards
531: Zwartble Shearling ram and upwards
532: Zwartble Ram lamb
533: Zwartble Ewe lamb
534: Champion Zwartble
545: Best Dutch Spotted Ewe lamb
546: Best Dutch Spotted Ram lamb
547: Best Dutch Spotted Hogget Ewe and upwards
548: Best Dutch Spotted Hogget Ram and upwards
549: Champion Dutch Spotted
564: Best Store Lamb
565: Best Butcher Lamb
566: Best Pair of Continental Cross bred Shearling Ewes
567: Best Open Cross Bred Female
568: Best Pair of Factory Lambs
569: Best Pair Continental Cross Bred Ewe Lambs.
580: Best Open Pedigree Lamb
581: Best Open Pedigree Shearling and upwards
611: Pedigree Charolais Heifer, Born in or after 2022
612: Pedigree Charolais Calf, male or female, born in 2024
613: Pedigree Charolais Bull, any age
614: Pedigree Charolais male/female calf born after 01-Sep-2023
615: Champion Charolais
625: Pedigree Simmental Cow/in calf Heifer or Bull junior or senior born before 31/07/2023
626: Pedigree Simmental female maiden born on or before 31/07/2023
627: Pedigree Simmental male/female born 1st August to 30th November 2023
628: Pedigree Simmental Male/Female born on or after 1st December 2023
629: Champion Simmental
640: Pedigree Belgian Blue female born before 1st Sep 2023
641: Pedigree Belgian Blue female born on or after 1st Sep 2023
642: Pedigree Belgian Blue male born before 1st Sep 2023
643: Pedigree Belgian Blue male born on or after 1st Sep 2023
644: Champion Belgian Blue
655: Pedigree Hereford Cow/Heifer in calf or with calf at foot
656: Pedigree Hereford Bull born on or after 1st July 2023
657: Pedigree Hereford Heifer born on or after 1st July 2023
658: Pedigree Hereford Heifer born between 1st July 2022 and 30th June 2023
659: Champion Hereford
660: Handlers aged 17 years or younger exhibiting Hereford calves born on or after 1st July 2023 (IHBA members only)
680: Best Angus Male any age
681: Best Angus Female any age
682: Bull Calf born on or after 1st August 2023
683: Heifer Calf born on or after 1st August 2023
684: Champion Angus
700: Best Shorthorn Pedigree Heifer Calf Born after 01-Sep-2023
701: Pedigree Shorthorn Heifer (uncalved) with no more than four permanent teeth
702: Pedigree Shorthorn Cow in calf or in milk
703: Best Pedigree Shorthorn Bull Calf Born after 01-Sep-2023
704: Champion Shorthorn
715: Pedigree Friesian Heifer Calf born after 1st Jan 2024
716: Pedigree Friesian Heifer born on or after 1st Sept 2023
717: Pedigree Friesian Heifer in calf
718: Pedigree Friesian Cow in milk
719: Pedigree Friesian Heifer in milk
720: Champion Friesian
721: Pedigree or Non Pedigree Dairy Type Cow or Heifer
730: Junior (12 Years or younger) as of 1st Jan 2024
731: Intermediate (13 - 16 years) as of 1st Jan 2024
732: Senior (17 - 26 Years) as of 1st Jan 2024
741: Handlers aged 17 years or younger exhibiting a calf of any breed born on or after 1st July 2023
742: Handlers aged 12 years or younger exhibiting a calf of any breed born on or after 1st July 2023
750: Best Commercial Male Calf born 2024
751: Best Commercial Female Calf born 2024
753: Best Beef Heifer with No Permanent Teeth
756: Best In-Calf Beef Breeding Heifer
757: Best Beef Breeding Maiden Heifer
758: Champion Commercial
765: Open Broodmare, non Thoroughbred, with foal at foot or stinted and in foal, likely to produce a high class Sport Horse
766: Broodmare, non Thoroughbred, likely to produce a high class Sport Horse confined to Co. Carlow
767: 60/40 class: Broodmare, non Thoroughbred, with foal at foot, likely to produce a high class Sport Horse
768: Registered Irish Draught Mare with foal at foot or covered by a Registered Irish Draught Stallion
769: Colt foal, non-Thoroughbred likely to make a high class sport horse
770: Filly foal, non-Thoroughbred likely to make a high class sport horse
771: Irish Draught Foal colt or filly
772: Champion Mare
773: Champion Foal
786: Yearling filly, non-Thoroughbred, likely to make a high-class sport horse
787: Two year old colt or gelding, non-Thoroughbred, likely to make a high-class sport horse
788: Two year old filly, non-Thoroughbred, likely to make a high-class sport horse
789: Three year old colt or gelding, non-Thoroughbred, likely to make a high-class sport horse
791: Champion Young Horse
792: Champion Yearling
800: Heavyweight Hunter, 4 years old or over
801: Mediumweight Hunter, 4 years old or over
802: Lightweight Hunter, 4 years old or over
803: Small Hunter, over 148cms but not exceeding 158 cms, 4 years old or over
804: Best cob, not exceeding 158cms, 4 years old or over
805: Open Side Saddle Versatility Class
806: Champion Ridden Hunter
815: Novice Working Hunter Class for 4 year olds and over, 153cms and over
816: Open Working Hunter Class for 4 year olds or over, 153cms or over
825: Retraining Ridden Racehorse to Riding Horse
826: Open Ridden Racehorse to Riding Horse
827: Unraced Thoroughbreds
828: Champion Racehorse to Riding Horse
840: Hunter pony broodmare not exceeding 153cms in foal or with foal at foot
841: Foal the produce of a mare in class 840
843: Combined 2 and 3 year old class for colt, gelding or filly likely to make a child's hunter pony. 2YO not exceeding 148cms, 3YO not exceeding 150cms
844: Registered Connemara Pony, any age
845.5: Champion In Hand Pony Section
856: 2 Year old Colt, Gelding or Filly
857: 3 year old and over Mare or Gelding
858: 3 year old and over Stallion
859: Champion Miniature Horse
860: Miniature Jumping
870: Equitation class for riders under 10 years on January 1st of the current year
871: Equitation class for riders under 12 on January 1st of the current year
872: Equitation class for riders under 14 on January 1st of the current year
873: Equitation class for riders under 17 on January 1st of the current year
874: Equitation class for riders who have attained their 17th birthday but not their 20th on January 1st of the current year
875: Champion Ridden Pony
876: Open ridden Connemara Pony, 4 years or over, rider any age
885: 153cms class
886: 143cms class
887: 133cms class
888: Junior Class
889: Lead Rein Performance Class
890: Champion Working Hunter Pony
900: Lead rein class for riders who have not attained their 4th birthday on January 1st of the current year
901: Lead rein class for riders who have attained their 4th birthday but not their 5th on January 1st of the current year
902: Lead rein class for riders who have attained their 5th birthday but not their 6th on January 1st of the current year
903: Lead rein class for riders who have attained their 6th but not their 9th birthday on January 1st of the current year
904: Champion Lead Rein
905: Fancy Dress
Entry No:
Fiona Keane, Wicklow
Entry No:
Theodor Koch, Carlow
Entry No:
James McNally, Carlow