TICKETS Call us on:
  1. Entries close on the 4th August. No entry will be accepted after that date except where specifically stated.
  2.  All entry forms & online entries must be properly completed and accompanied by the prescribed fee. Entries will be accepted by telephone if online entry is not possible and if accompanied by a card payment. Refunds of entry fees will only be considered by the committee with more than 7 days notice prior to the show.

  3. Cheques, postal order, etc., to be made payable to: Tullow Show Society.

  4. Exhibitors are responsible for the accuracy of particulars on entry forms/online entry. No entry will be accepted unless properly classified. Each exhibitor must be prepared to rectify any item contained on the entry form/online entry in any manner the Committee may require.

  5. The Committee reserves to itself the sole and absolute right to interpret and apply their rules and to arbitrarily settle any dispute in regard to these or otherwise arising out of or connected with the show. Exhibitors who are in the opinions of the Committee in breech of any of these Rules may be subject to expulsion from the Show or forfeiture of any prizes.

  6. The Committee reserves the right to refuse any entry without giving any reason for their decision.

  7. The Committee may, after closing of entries, cancel any Class, in which case due notice will be given to entrants and entry fees refunded.

  8. All exhibits entered in the Show must be in their places in the Show grounds not later than 10.30 a.m. The Committee may in exceptional extraordinary circumstances permit an extension ofthe time limit.

  9. No exhibit to be removed from the show Grounds before the following times:

Livestock 3.00 p.m. All other entries 4.30 p.m. The Prizes awarded may be forfeited if any prize-winning exhibit is removed before the times specified in this rule.

Exhibits must be removed within 1 hour of the above times.

  1. Number Cards on horses and livestock must be prominently displayed.

  2. All exhibits to be the bona-fide property ofexhibitor.

  3. All classes to be open unless otherwise stated.

  4. Any exhibitor wishing to lodge a protest having reference to exhibits at the Show must lodge same with Hon. Secretary, within three hours of adjudication accompanied by a fee of€100.00 which will be refunded ifthe protest is upheld.

  5. In the sections for cattle and horses, exhibitors may enter the same animal in as many classes as they are eligible subject to compliance with Rule 2 above. An exhibitor may enter more than one exhibit in the same class but no animal can win more than 2 class prizes.

  6. Exhibitors shall accept absolute responsibility in respect of the control and behaviour of their animals at the Show and shall provide halters for animals where appropriate. Exhibitors shall be solely responsible for all legal liability arising as a result of any injury or damage caused by any animal to their property or under their control at the Show.

  7. Pure-bred cattle means cattle entered or eligible for entry in Herd Books of respective breeds, pedigree to be stated in the entry form. In the case of Bulls, the number of Sire in the Herd Book and the breeding of the Dam to the G. Dam to be set out in the entry form. In the case of horses the sire.

  8. In all animal classes, the judges selections may be subject to examination by a Veterinary surgeon.

  9. Objections to the decision of the Stewards in charge of horse measurement must be lodged immediately after the class is judged. In measuring horses 1/2 inch will be allowed for the shoes.

  10. The Committee reserve the right to prohibit the exhibitor of any animal or to reject or remove any animal or other exhibit from the Show without being in any way liable for consequences. Any animal, certified by a Veterinary Surgeon as suffering from a contagious disease, must be removed from the Show Grounds immediately.

  11. All exhibits to appear in more than one class, to have a number for each class.

  12. Rosettes, cards or indication badges will not be allowed on any exhibit while being judged.

  13. Neither the Show, the Committee or any of its offcers, officials or staff shall be in any way responsible or accountable for any loss, injury or damage, whatsoever caused to any exhibit at the Show or in transit to or from the Show. All exhibits are accepted for or admitted to the Show at owners risk.

  14. Neither the Show, the Committee, nor any of its offcers, offcials or staff shall be in any way responsible or accountable for any injury or damage to any person or persons attending the Show in any capacity whether as Show official exhibitor, visitor or in whatever capacity.

  15. The Judges decision is final.

  16. Any prize offered in the Show may be withheld for lack of merit.

  17. The winner of any Cup presented by or on behalf of the Show or the property of the Society will return the cup or cups to the Secretary in good condition not later than July 1st, 2024. Although the Society does not in any circumstances award cups other than perpetual cups on an annual basis the winner of a cup 3 years in succession will be presented with a special inscribed memento of this achievement for permanent retention by him/her if requested.

  18. If a cup winner does not return a cup, they are responsible for its value.

  19. Prizes for livestock will not be forwarded to prize winners until twenty-one days after the date of the show.

  20. Three Offcers of the Show Committee will form a quorum to deal with any problems arising on Show day.

  21. The Committee reserves the right to abandon or postpone the Show.

  22. Points in all Sections: 4 = 1st, 2 = 2nd, 1 = 3rd.

  23. In accordance with the Rules of I.S.A. we will deduct 5% levy from prize-money won at this Show in the livestock and bloodstock section.

  24. The Show Committee shall have full power to disqualify from exhibition any sheep which is considered to be coloured other than by the use of ordinary non-bloom dips free of added colouring matter.

  25. No exhibitor except if he or she is in charge of the animal for the purpose of leading, driving or riding, will be allowed to enter the ring while the judging is in progress.

  26. All roots entered in the Show must be washed and topped to within three inches of crown.

  27. All exhibitors in the produce section must provide their own plates, boxes or trays as required.

  28. It shall be the responsibility of each exhibitor and trader to effect appropriate policies of insurance with reputable insurance companies to indemnify the Tullow Show Society, its trustees, officers and members against any claim, action or proceedings brought against it as a result of the negligence, breach of duty or accident of that exhibitor or trader, its servants or agents.

  29. No entry fees will be refunded except at the discretion of the committee.